Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Portfolio #4

To the reader:
During my time in English 070 I have learned many things. First of all I have improved how I write. Second, overcoming my problems of writing. Thirdly, how much the process of revision has helped. Lastly, how I can use the information in my future. I have learned much information and will be able to continue to use it throughout my life.
First, though the knowledge of how the writing process work and using it properly I have made improvement. Before this class I have never done any sort of an outline. Also I usually just write my papers and then check for grammatical error. With that said I considered that to be the proper way to revise. I have learned that it is a very delicate procedure to correct mistakes.
Second, I have had many problems of writer’s blocks which I have recently been able to get passed. Using proper writing technique has been a great help to me. As each paper passed I learned to be able to develop my writing and improve. In each paper I can look and see that it has become a much easier topic for me to handle.
Third, the process of revision has become apparent that it is not only the grammatical error. When reviewing papers occasionally sentence structure need to be taken into consideration. Grammatical error is a very important piece of revision but not the only piece. Also organization of a paper occasionally the order of the paragraphs needs to be switched to help the reader understand.
Last, having this information will help as I go on and take higher course levels. With this under my belt I can process and help my next studies. Having knowledge will be easier to understand the next material.
Overall, I’m glad that I have taken this course and have been a great help that I will remember to help me though other courses.

Portfolio #3

Every year once year my subdivision of fifteen houses or so gets together and share recipes for chili. There is always a debate over whose is the best this year it was taken to far!
As usual started at dusk the bonfire was extremely hot no one could get within ten feet of it without being torched. The children, which there were an abundance of, were running around all over the place, getting hopped up on sugar cookies and hot chocolate. The adults relying on the competence of the teenagers; to watch and take care of the children while they go off and get wasted. Most of the adults need their time to kick back and relax. Although the children are very outgoing they know when to stop and behave. The adults on the other hand take things one-step further than they need to. For instance last year at the Christmas party (adults only) competitive drinking begat a trip to the hospital. Preston, Lori, and Regina didn’t want to stop drinking because they were winning and they got alcohol poisoning for that. This is the only time that the subdivision gets like this; most of the time during other activities such as volleyball everyone comes together for the common good of the subdivision. So why did the chili party get taken this far?
As everyone started to arrive, there were several people who had never come we welcomed them to be a part of our fun. Most of the people talked and got along with everyone except Jim Jirus. Jim is my boyfriend; the neighbors had not met him and I thought this was the perfect opportunity. Jim is tall, has brown spiked up hair, wears glasses on occasion, and dresses in casual jeans and tee shirts. He came with me to the party. Jim is normally talkative, fun to be around, with a great personality, but something about that night Jim was not himself. He was acting like a stranger wasn’t up for talking or even his facial characteristics show that he was depressed. When we arrived and started conversing with members of the subdivision he seemed closed off as if something else was more important to focus on. All the ladies that were close to me continuously asked “is Jim ok or what”. I replied, “No, nothing is wrong I think he might be overwhelmed by the amount of people he doesn’t know.” That was a little white lie because I didn’t know what was up. Carla and Dawn especially like to poke fun at my sisters and me when we have male friends that they have not met.
Around 7:30 Jim had wandered off while I was in a very engaging conversation. My mind was racing I seemed to have misplace Jim for about ten minutes I started to think, ‘How can I explain that I misplaced a person and don’t know where he went to’. I found him over by the chili later about 8:00. A feeling of relief fell over me when I noticed Jim standing over by the chili as if he were deciding which he should try next.
Now, people started to feel sick so we all curled up around the huge, fiery bonfire. Once we had been sitting there for about five minutes. People started to throw up and feel dizzy. My first thought was ‘great someone undercooked the meat in their chili and now people have food poisoning.’ Five people went to the emergency room, which was a twenty-minute drive for everyone. Once we arrived the place was packed like there was a mass murderer on the loose. After waiting an hour they finally started taking people in and they all needed to get their stomach emptied of the delicious chili people spent so much time making.
There was only one person that must have eaten more of the deadly chili because the scene was too much for him Doug died as they were pumping his stomach out. He was a good neighbor and he will be missed dearly.
Why did Doug have to die? For that the police had to come out and to a complete investigation. They were around the subdivision and asking questions for over a week and when people didn’t want to talk about the subject they would be right there to make you talk. With all this trouble we gave appreciation to the police for wanting to get to the bottom of things but just wanted those to say he ate an excessive amount of chili and that’s why he was affected more than the other four. After about one month they had a reasonable conclusion.
The cops called and said, “Their needs to be a meeting because we found more evidence than we should have.”
Every person at the subdivision that went to the party met in this room that was smoky and hard to breathe in. They informed us that they in fact found poison in the chili I had made. How could this be? This was very much a shock to me and everyone else. ? The cops knew who it was but wanted the person to confess and my supposed friends didn’t back me up; told me I should just fess up so that we could leave.
* * *
Previously, the day before the chili party I was cooking the chili and Jim had come over to help make it. During the half hour of making the chili I had cut and cooked all of the chicken for the chili and added all of the ingredients to make it perfect. To give myself a head start on clean up I allowed Jim to stir the chili, while I started dishes. During this time period Jim had placed his own ingredients in to the chili. The combination on those after allowing to cool and reheat created a chemical that was deadly to the human body. Jim lacked the knowledge to understand this therefore; the result was five people in the hospital room.
* * *
Back at the police station, Jim was taken to prison for six months to learn his lesson. His plans upon leaving are to obtain a degree in chemistry to teach high school. The subdivision still holds their annual chili cook off; most placed this experience into a hidden place. The subject of the matter is never spoken about.

Portfolio #2

What are cats like? Well, my cat midnight is a big goofball. He enjoys the attention of anyone and loves to play games. Midnight loves to curl up next to people to give his love to them. His days are full of fun and adventurous activities. Midnight is always home to cheer you up after a bad day he’s ready to play. Are most cats like this or is he just have a very special personality?
Bright and early in the morning he crawls up and rubs his wet nose on my face. Walks up and down the bed just waiting until you’re awake enough to see that the cat is deprived of your attention he never wants to stop playing. When the door opens he dashes around the house finding all of his toys and checking the house making sure nothing is missing. Once he’s completed his routine he is usually waiting for his breakfast so he can get all the energy to bounce off the walls. During the day and night he sleeps and plays games with socks that have been left around and patrols the house for any flies he can play with. Anything and everything is a toy and if you’re not careful you are.
Midnight is a very playful animal and he has a single white spot on his chest that gives him a distinct look. Other than that he is completely black, but this makes him horrible at hiding when he tries to. Midnight just loves to lie on someone until he gets what he’s looking for. He will run off almost like he wants you to play tag. Then will come back and start playing with the first thing he sees. Especially socks and peoples pants, Midnight never gets enough attention and lives on playing all day.
The best part of a goofball friend is he will always comfort you if it’s just been the most horrible day ever. He will just cheer you right up because it’s always play time in Midnights book. He looks at you with the widest eyes that say I don’t care your home and I want to play. There is more meaning in each wide-eyed expression when Midnight looks up and meows than there is in every one word any person can say. Knowing he’s only there to help and can’t hurt by saying the wrong thing. Midnight is the best he only expects you to play with him and he’s content. There is no time or energy wasted in talking just someone to play with.
Midnight is so much like a person he has qualities about him that are so human like. If you come home and ask a rhetorical question most the time he will answer you right back. He’s also very possessive he has a chair that’s completely his if you were to come in and sit there even if he’s not sitting there he will look at you if you don’t move you are in like a tickle fight cause he will let you know what is going on. When its time for bed at night he will walk around to every person’s room to make sure that every person is sleeping before getting into bed. When he does this its almost like he is checking to make sure that no one is up to play like he doesn’t want to get in but if no one is awake then that’s the next best thing.
Midnight is a big goofball that lives without a care in the world about what is happening. If nothing is going on he will create some thing. He loves to play with anything. All day and every day he will play even if you don’t want to. He believes that is the best cure for anything that is happening if you had a bad day then he will help by playing. If all cats aren’t like this I just got a wonderful personality for my cat.

Portfolio #1 Statement of Purpose

To Admissions Office:

I have chosen Texas A&M because they have received recognition for their Marine Biology program. Attending a university with recognition will increase my chances of becoming a Marine Biologist.
I am a very ambitious career orientated person I feel that Texas A&M will help to place me appropriately into this field of work. I will have attended Waubonsee Community College for two years as of the end of the semester in spring of 2009. I have always been punctual for all classes I have chosen to take to help with earning my degree.
During my high school years I was always a team player. I joined cross country team, Track team, and the Poms squad. During the summers of 2002, 2003, and, 2004 I attended career camps at Sea World in Orlando Florida, San Antonio Texas, and San Diego California. To get a feel for what it takes to make it.
From my previous experience I have learned how to work well with others in a team as well as a leader. I take a positive attitude toward anything I do; others see and follow my example. I am a very qualified and capable person. With my background I feel that I would make a great addition to your University.
With all this behind me I will become a Marine Biologist. With all the help from Texas A&M that I will receive there is much good to be done.

Rachel Singer

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Journal #14 Guys

Why do people make life more complicated? When people act in a way as if it seems to make sense and then say and act in a way that make you think otherwise. if people had a clear cut knowledge of what they want the could you that and make sense of situations. Instead dance around in circles and make people belive what would make things work out then change there mind and rip you down so that you feel like a terrible person. when everything could be avoided by the start of this. Guys make no sense at all!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Journal #13 Pt cruiser

So my younger sister Jessica got rear ended a few weeks ago and her car is being taken into the shop to get taken care of but shes only 17 therefore she cant drive a rental car. i am 18 though so I can drive a rental car. I didn't have a problem with letting my sister drive my car while I have to drive the rental car. Until they brought me the rental car and it is a PT cruiser. I cant believe that I have to drive that thing around. I think that it is ruining my reputaion being seen driving around in that thing.

Journal #12 Michigan

This past weekend I went to Kalamazoo college in Michigan to be with my best friend aubs. We have been best buds since kindergarten and she left Illinois in august and it has been 2 months since i have been able to rely on her and have and intensive converstation. So we chated and disscused our whole lives in 2 days. This was really great to have some one to share with and rely on to be there when i needed them. Plus no parents for the weekend was also nice not to worry about checking in.